Factory making Taper Milling - Junk Mill Type MXP – Gaofeng

Junk Mill Type  MXP

Junk Mill Type MXP can be divided into three kinds: flat-bottom (or concave-bottom) milling shoe, guide milling shoe and cone milling shoe, according to its structure and shape. At the milling surface, the carbide particles are built up by welding, which plays a part of self-milling. It is used to mill the fallen substances, such as tooth wheel, slipdog, fittings for deep-well pump, etc. with the advantages of anti impact and longer service life.


Model O.D. mm(in) Connection Length mm(in)
MXP(A)80C-2A30 80(3 1/8) 2 3/8REG 300(11 3/4)
MXP(A)89C-2A30 89(3 1/2) 2 3/8REG 500(19 5/8)
MXP(A)92C-NC23 92(3 5/8) NC23 500(19 5/8)
MXP(A)102C-210 102(4) NC31 500(19 5/8)
MXP(A)108C-2A10 108(4 1/4) NC26 500(19 5/8)
MXP(A)114C-210 114(4 1/2) NC31 500(19 5/8)
MXP(A)146C-310 146(5 3/4) NC38 500(19 5/8)
MXP(A)159C-310 159(6 1/4) NC38 500(19 5/8)
MXP(A)190C-410 190(7 1/2) NC50 500(19 5/8)
MXP(A)203C-410 203(8) NC50 500(19 5/8)
MXP(A)292C-630 292(11 1/2) 6 5/8REG 500(19 5/8)
MXP(A)305C-630 305(12) 6 5/8REG 500(19 5/8)
MXP(A)410C-730 410(16 1/8) 7 5/8REG 450(17 5/8)
MXP(A)425C-630 425(16 3/4) 6 5/8REG 500(19 5/8)