OEM/ODM Manufacturer Boot Basket Drilling - Pressure Testing Packer Type ST – Gaofeng

Pressure Testing Packer Type ST

Model “ST” Pressure Testing Plug is mainly used for the pressure test on the casing string and BOP stack (blowout preventer stack). In the oil/gas/water well where the casing string has been run and the wellhead equipment has been installed, once only separate zone pressure test can be performed conveniently and reliably on the casing string and BOP stack with this pressure testing packer.


Model Connection
Size of suitable casing Bearing Area of Plug cm2  Length mm (in)
O.D. mm(in) I.D.  mm
ST4A NC26 102(4) 87.1 41 588(23-1/2)
ST44 NC26 114 (4-1/2) A 97.2~99.6 54 588(23-1/2)
B 101.6~103.9 61
ST5 NC26 127 (5) 108.6~115.8 82 588(23-1/2)
ST5A NC31 (140( 5-1/2) A 125.7~128.1 105 588(23-1/2)
B 118.6~124.3 97
ST6 NC38 168 (6-5/8) A 150.4 ~153.6 130 588(23-1/2)
B 144.2 ~147.1 114
ST7 NC38 178 (7) A 159.4~166.1 157 685(27)
B 150.4~157.1 135
Model Connection
Size of suitable casing Bearing Area of Plugcm2  Length mm(in)
O.D. mm(in) I.D. mm
ST75 NC38 194(7 5/8) 168.3 ~177 185 685(27)
ST7FS NC38 194(7 5/8) A 161.9 ~165.1 157 685(27)
B 155.6 ~158.8 135
ST9 NC50 245(9 5/8) A 224.4~228.6 307 700(27-1/2)
B 216.8~222.4 286
ST9FS NC50 245(9 5/8) A 224.4 ~228.6 307 700(27-1/2)
B 216.8 ~222.4 286
ST10 NC50 273(10 3/4) A 250.2~258.9 406 752(2-5/8)
B 242.8~247.9 370
ST11 NC50 298(11 3/4) A 279.4~281.5 490 782(30-3/4)
B 273.6~276.3 468
ST12 NC50 324(12 3/4) A 299.85~301.85 583 782(30-3/4)
B 303.85~305.85 602
ST13 NC50 340(13 3/8) A 317.9~322.9 686 782(30-3/4)
B 311.6~315.3 661
ST20 NC50 508(20) A 482.6 ~485.7 1677 990(39)
B 475.7 1601

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